7 Simple Ways to Calm an Overstimulated Mind

We all have experienced an excess of energy, known as an overstimulated mind. This occurs when you exceed your brain’s ability to process information. The result is a lack of clarity with your thoughts, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, headaches, digestive issues and even heart palpitations.

The biggest culprits of overstimulation

Modern Technology-Searching the internet, social media surfing and working too many hours on the computer, all contribute to overstimulation. It is not unusual to have multiple windows open and running in the background. This is symbolic of our own minds, trying to be in the present moment, yet getting distracted by x, y and z.

Obsessive Thinking- Many people believe the more time you think about a problem, the faster you get to a solution. The opposite occurs because you can get stuck in obsessional thinking. Over thinking is an attempt to control and is fueled by anxiety. The more anxious and out of control you feel, the faster you run on the hamster wheel. Getting no where, fast.

Analysis Paralysis- Creative people are blessed and cursed with too many thoughts. Too much head energy can lead to creative and writer’s block. Analysis paralysis is often fueled by perfection. Your mind falsely believes there is only one right action and fears you won’t choose the right one.

How do you get out of this behavioral loop?

No matter what causes overstimulation, the solution is to let go and begin small. Slow your brain down in order to give yourself a chance to pause, think and respond. Now you have the power to choose what to do next. Here, I outline seven ways to get you started.

  1. Unplug from Social Media for at least one day a week. Give your brain a break.
  2. Have a Healing Session– Some examples are: Reiki helps you release energy and restore balance. You may also want to move the excess energy from the head into the heart, through your breath and conscious intention. Place one hand on your forehead and the other on your chest. As you breathe slowly envision the energy balancing between the head and heart. Massage grounds your energy and establishes a connection with the physical body. Psychotherapy can help you gain self-awareness and insight. Find out why you are busy and distracted. Not only will you release stress but also learn new coping strategies. Having a psychological evaluation can determine if other mental health issues are contributing to overstimulation.
  3. Write- Get all of the thoughts in your head out and onto the page in fifteen minutes. Use creativity as a vehicle to transform chaos into calm.
  4. Meditation and Mindfulness– Slowing down the brain and your impulses will help you be in the present moment and make healthier choices. Combine walking with mindfulness, to shift the energy. Do something physical to move the energy from your head into your body. Go for a walk, clean the kitchen or your closets.
  5. Avoid Crowds and Large Gatherings- Minimize shopping online and in stores as much as possible, until your mind feels at peace again.
  6. Rest and Replenish- Create quiet. Turn off the TV, radio, computer and be alone with your thoughts. Create stillness and drink lots of water. Get out into nature.
  7. Pray. Connect to your Higher Self. Ask for healing and guidance from the Divine. Accept and Surrender. Admit you are overthinking and choose to give up control. The serenity prayer can work wonders in this type of situation. The world will not fall apart if you let go of your thoughts. In fact when you let go of busy thoughts, inspiration has room to enter your mind with new ideas.

To further prevent and decrease overstimulation, you may want to read: Important Information about How Your Senses Get Overloaded

Lisa Hutchison LMHC is a licensed psychotherapist and writing coach who helps sensitive souls not just survive but shine. She is the Amazon bestselling author of I Fill My Cup: A Journal for Compassionate Helpers and the kindle book Setting Ethical Limits for Caring & Competent Professionals. Get a FREE 10 page E-book; 8 Simple Things That Release Chaos from Your Life Now at http://www.lisahutchison.net

Check out my You Tube Channel: Lisa Hutchison LMHC

27 thoughts on “7 Simple Ways to Calm an Overstimulated Mind

  1. Great info, Lisa. As I read this post I realized why the lock down and closings have not been too negative for me. It is because I am rarely in a crowd, and as an empath that means that I am not bombarded with the crowd’s energy! I thought about it a few times and I wondered why it seemed easier for me than for some of my friends. Wow…don’t know why I didn’t think of it before…but it makes sense.
    I hope all is going well for you, Lisa!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Lorrie!

      We are doing well. I hope you and your family are too.

      I have heard your sentiments a lot from my community and have found the same to be true. I enjoy being in a cocoon at times. These lockdowns have had a few downsides, although many benefits. I felt at times as if I was on a retreat and enjoyed it. I like having social distancing in stores. I never was a fan of crowds, long lines or people all around me. As an empath, you feel everything and everyone. ❤

      Take Care and Many Blessings!

      Liked by 1 person

      • It makes perfect sense…I just didn’t think about it that way. I have friends who can’t stand it anymore and I would sit and think “why don’t I feel that way?” It is like I have taken a big vacation from all of the stimulating energy.
        Have a great week, Lisa!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Always great information… Unplugging is so important and not overthinking…. I can often be guilty of it though if I do not check myself..
    But once you hand it over to the Universe.. All sorts itself out, one way or another and when we do that, we save ourselves a lot of heart ache worrying needlessly

    Many thanks for your Wisdom Lisa… And I will go check out your YouTube channel…
    Sending LOVE and well wishes… Hugs Sue ❤ 🙏💖

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Sue!

      Creative people have a lot of ideas and are prone to overthinking. I know 😉

      I loved seeing you over on my YouTube Channel. Thanks for the visit there as well, my friend. I didn’t realize you had a channel, I subscribed and look forward to your videos. 🙂

      Many Blessings,
      Lisa xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great tips, Lisa. These times we’re in are overwhelming and over-stimulating for all of us who are dealing with sensory overload at the best of times. Staying away from crowds and large gatherings is a must for me. Like Lorrie, I don’t find sheltering to be emotionally difficult…it’s a reprieve for me as a person with c-ptsd and sensory processing sensitivity.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Mother Wintermoon!

      Sensitive people are prone to sensory overload, due to our nature to be open and receptive to all. This is why we have to take steps to protect our precious energy. My entire life, I was not comfortable in cities, crowds or large gatherings. It took me awhile to understand why.

      Many Blessings,
      Lisa : ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I make it a point to switch off from the internet in the evenings and social media is out on Sundays, Lisa. Too much brain activity is bad for my sleep and I prefer spending that time doing something more nourishing for my mental health, like spending time with my pet and family or just pottering about the house.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Vatsala,

      It does help to have boundaries around social media. My off day is Monday. Too much stimulation can affect our sleep and sleep quality. Those pre-bed activities sound like a good way to decompress after a long day.

      Many Blessings,


  5. Great suggestions. I would suggest these suggestions strongly especially this time of year. And the last 2 months of this year 2020. It is great to curl up with a book, a cup of tea, a journal, or anything that suits you and your soul well. Wishing everyone a blessed rest of the year.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great advice, Lisa. We try to unplug and calm our minds when we can, especially when we can get away to camp and backpack. I’m not on social media that much these days because it’s overwhelming. I’m mainly on my blog and that’s a result of writing, which is good. 🙂 Sometimes I wish we could slow down like “it used to be” but there’s no turning back now. If anything, life is accelerating at a speed I’m not thrilled about. One day at a time. Thanks again and stay blessed, Lauren 💗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Lauren!

      Being in nature always helps me decompress. You are not alone. Many of my friends have given up social media because of its overstimulating nature. I, like you, find writing to be a refuge.

      Stay Well and Many Blessings,
      Lisa 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Good suggestions!
    I have noticed how many people literary analyze and over-analyze everything up to the tiniest details, also on blogs. I was always wondering why they believe it is necessary. It will definitely overstimulate one’s mind and cause other side effects also, like deepen depression and make anxiety more difficult to treat. It’s frequently so that this analysis has very little to do with reality, it’s plain mind game. I also believe that overanalyzing is more a feature of North-American culture, it is very notable.
    Art involves making extremely many decisions over time, however, they run the hand with pencil or brush automatically without much effort. That comes with experience and drawing and painting as such cure anything as long as the person is willing to allow their creation to develop. Many people put stress on themselves and attack their art, well, all due to perfection where it shouldn’t be.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Inese,

    I am not sure which culture over analyzes the most. That would make for some interesting research!

    When we are in the creative flow, there is no room for judgment or critical thought. I love this process as, ideas and beauty come to life. It is all about acceptance.

    Fear gets in the way of our minds being at peace, making decisions for our highest good and the creative process.



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