How to pick healing providers who are right for Empaths

How to pick healing providers who are right for Empaths


Only go to doctors, psychotherapists and healers you trust. Without trust, healing cannot happen. Word of mouth can be good, although nothing beats following your own intuition. Empaths require providers who are associated with these words; authentic, caring, professional, and trustworthy.

Recently, I went to a new provider, who was recommended to me by a friend. Although I was impressed with his punctuality, during our visit he was distracted and rushed. I would have preferred waiting for a doctor who thoroughly went through my health concerns and history. When I described why I was not doing a certain test at this time because of another health issue, he remarked, “That doesn’t make any sense.” I had the clarity in that moment to assert myself and say, “Yes, it does make sense and here is why.” He did not apologize. Needless to say, I will not be returning for another appointment with him.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a provider

Trust -Feel comfortable with your providers’ skills and expertise. You need to feel at ease opening up and discussing what matters to you most, even if you disagree. When you are ill, you are vulnerable, this is why trust is at the top of the list.

Good listening and communication abilities- You want someone who is an accurate reflector. They hear what you say, comprehend it and can rephrase it back to you. When you speak is your provider looking you in the eyes and present with you? Do you feel connected non-verbally and verbally?

They care- Really care- When you are with your provider do you feel valued? Is this person compassionate and empathic when you express your concerns? If you feel judged, it is time to search elsewhere.

They got skills– Your provider is professional. This person is competent, has the knowledge and expertise in the area of medicine they practice within.

This person does a thorough examination with you. This includes reviewing your health history and checking it for accuracy. They have paperwork about their practice and go over it with you and answer any questions you have.

This person is flexible and understands that mental and physical health is not a one size all fits system. They are able to think outside the box and see you as a complete picture of mind-body-spirit.

Have a consultation call or appointment first. Take the fifteen to thirty minutes of time to get to know who you will be working with. Ask about their training and experience with your issues, how they do their work, specialties they have and inquire about their own self-care/healing.


You have found the right match for you when you feel comfortable and at ease. Trust your instincts. Remember if you go to a provider and he or she does not feel right for you, switch! I know I will and have in the past.

Where you need to keep an open mind

Two factors you may need to be flexible with is the cost of your service and distance to travel. Do not choose a provider based on a cheaper price because you may not get the service you desire. Also, do not go with convenience. Sometimes you have to travel a little further to connect with the right fit.

For more info: If you need more help with managing your sensitivity in today’s world, contact Lisa Hutchison LMHC for a free 30 minute consult call. She is a licensed psychotherapist and writing coach for empaths and artists. Head on over to her website and get your free 10 page E-book, 8 Simple Things that Release Chaos from Your Life Now! at 




38 thoughts on “How to pick healing providers who are right for Empaths

  1. Great Article and so very important for empaths as well as others!!!!!!! As health care becomes more complicated (and it seems like it is heading that way), having a provider whom you trust above all else is really important!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Laura! I was thinking of that yesterday in regards to the changes in our healthcare and insurance coverage. Now it is more important than ever to find a provider that is a good fit for you, whether you identify as an empath or not.


  2. Beautiful article Lisa!
    I identify with the different aspects to look out for.
    Thank you for bringing them out so beautifully.
    Also I love the thought on not using cheap as a determining factor for your choice. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can really relate. When I choose a health provider for me and for my pets, sometimes they do not agree with my holistic approach and that’s ok. I had a vet that I had many arguments with but I still kept him as my vet because he listened to me, disagreed but did respect my choices and he was so loving with my pets, he used to greet them with kisses.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachel, I do not mind having a healthy debate as long as the provider does not invalidate my thoughts. We love our vet too, she makes house calls with her assistant. I am grateful for the healing providers I have and look forward to the new one I will see in 2018!


  4. Perfect timing, Lisa, as I am now choosing a new provider. I especially appreciated, “Have a consultation call or appointment first. Take the fifteen to thirty minutes of time to get to know who you will be working with.” Wisdom I will follow. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love my doctor! She takes the time to sit down and ask me all about what’s going on in my life and with my health. She also respects my opinion and is willing to work with me if I want to go a more holistic route rather than pop pills. She actually listens to me, and that is the #1 most important thing to me when working with a health care provider.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Excellent article. I once went to a therapist who had never heard of being an empath. Needless to say, I didn’t return. (Hopefully she looked into it!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Fantastic article LIsa, and so true. I’m an empath and practically hand pick the doctors we work with between me and my husband. It’s so important to have that good rapport with medical personnel. 🙂


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