How to Manifest with the Moon

Are you sensitive to the moon’s gravitational pull? The moon has eight phases in one monthly cycle. During this time, empaths can sense or feel the emotional, physical and spiritual effects of the increasing and deceasing energy each month. Let’s make the most out of this natural occurrence, sync up your energy with that of the moon and manifest the heck out of it.

When you experience the full moon twice in one month, it is known as a blue moon. The months following could be powerhouses of creation if you work this energy to your favor. The full moon energy is a fabulous time to release what you no longer need in your life. You can choose to let go of emotions, illnesses, blocks to creativity or outdated beliefs. Whatever your heart desires, you get the idea. Make an effort to look for the full moon and stand in the moonlight whether it is from a window or outside to absorb her healing energy.


The full moon is a great time of the month to not only clean house spiritually and emotionally but also physically. Organize papers, discard or donate items that you no longer need. Think of these words; Surrender & Release. Speaking of cleaning, it is a time to cleanse and charge your crystals. Place your crystals in a bowl and leave them in the light of the full moon.

Changes you may notice during the full moon are an increase in energy, which can be excellent during the day although not when you need to sleep. Many empaths cannot shut down and suffer from insomnia or restlessness physically, mentally or spiritually during the full moon.  Use this energy as fuel for your creativity. If you are awake do not stew in frustration, grab your journal and write or pick up a brush and paint. Take a sea salt bath to ground any physical restlessness.


New Moon (1)


The new moon is hidden in the darkness of the sky. In the shadows of the night is immense power. It is in the darkness that seeds grow and become beautiful flowers or vegetables in your garden overtime. Now that you have cleared away and let go of what no longer serves you, you have room for something new. What would you like to create or manifest in your life? This is a wonderful time for new beginnings in the form of intentions. Think of these words; Focus & Imagine.

Use this time to meditate and write out what you would like to take form in your life. Is it a book project, expanded circle of friends or healthier lifestyle? Whatever it is, paint a beautifully vivid colorful picture of it in your mind, infusing it with lots of positive feelings. Everything you plant during this time will manifest in one form or another according to the Divine’s planning. Trust that this or something better will take shape in your life in the next couple of months or year.

The moons energy is peaked on the full and new moon dates, you can get in on the action on these days or anywhere within a three day time period after these dates. Life gets busy, put these dates in your calendar as a reminder. Happy Manifesting!

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Lisa Hutchison LMHC is a licensed psychotherapist and writing coach for empaths and artists. She specializes in working with professionals who get drained from the helping efforts, refill and rejuvenate their energies. Get her FREE gift -8 Simple Things that Release Chaos from Your Life Now! at 

21 thoughts on “How to Manifest with the Moon

  1. Putting those dates on my calendar! I am already in the process of letting stuff go and inviting a more empowered life in, now I will sync it with the moon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A few weeks ago, I released three 30 gallon bags of clutter from my home. My husband took old stuff to the dump. We hired landscapers to clear out 10 years of over-growth and cut down a dead tree. There’s more work to be done as we declutter our home, inside and out. The energy always feels lighter and freer. Right now (yes right now), my husband is down in the garage. It’s his project and he’s cleaning out his past life that he brought into our marriage. He has trouble releasing stuff 🙂 But he’s committed to cleaning it out so that our garage is a garage again and not a storage unit.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful and informative post Lisa! I am taken with the power of the moon but have much to learn. My birthday is on July 16, so it’s no surprise that I was drawn to your post this morning 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Lisa! I really enjoyed this really informative post. I love the idea of using the cycles of the moon to manifest! 🙂 Awesome information! Many thanks. 🙂

    Much love and many blessings,
    Mary Jane


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